in Novi, Michigan

Liposuction at Illuum Cosmetic Surgery is life-changing. Our advanced liposuction procedure is based on experience from our Silhouetch℠ procedure which is our signature high-definition liposuction technique. Using the latest technology, our minimally-invasive cutting-edge liposuction principles will completely and permanently remove stubborn fat in just one day. Because our procedure is minimally invasive with minimal downtime, you will have a fast recovery and can return to work within a few days. We individually tailor our liposuction according to your specific body type and goals. We have transformed thousands of lives with our innovative liposuction techniques – are you ready to take your body to the next level?

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Our Liposuction Surgical Technique

Our tumescent liposuction approach is designed to minimize discomfort and downtime while maximizing the results you see. We perform liposuction through both awake and asleep methods at Illuum Cosmetic Surgery. In both settings, we focus on creating hidden small incisions, and then using blunt cannulas will first inject tumescence to numb and help extract the fat. Then we will suction the fat using a Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL) device to gently remove the fat, while minimizing trauma, bruising, and discomfort. Your incisions will be left open to allow fluid to drain and decrease swelling.

The Liposuction Procedure

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure that has been around for a long time. It remains one of the most popular types of plastic surgery in the US and worldwide. In this scenario, Dr. Lakin and Dr. Ozolins, board-certified plastic surgeons, will insert what’s called a cannula under the skin in the target area (stomach, back, waist, etc.) and use it to suck away fat tissue.

Areas Treated by Liposuction

The abdomen and back are the most common areas for stubborn fat deposits. Your surgeon can remove fatty tissue from the upper abdomen, lower abdomen, waist, hips, pubic, upper back, dorsocervical fat pad, and lower back.

Liposuction can help remove that stubborn fat in the bra rolls in women, or in the chest during male breast reduction surgery for gynecomastia. It can also be used during top surgery to remove (or add) fatty tissue as necessary to create the physique you want.

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Liposuction can address stubborn fat in the areas of your neck and jowls that are difficult to remove through diet and exercise alone.

The upper arms, banana rolls, knees, and inner and outer thighs are all prime areas for fat development. Liposuction can help you remove those deposits, creating slimmer thighs, and removing fat from the upper arms.

Recovery After A Liposuction Procedure

You will have a period of recovery after the procedure, although the length will depend on many different factors. Understanding the recovery process, as well as some important dos and don’ts, will help ensure proper healing.
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Healing, Rest, and Swelling

Patients should consider taking 3 days off from work and 1 month off from heavy lifting or strenuous exercises. Early results are seen at 1-month postop, but it takes up to 3-6 months for all of the swelling to resolve. In the meantime, compression and massage will help the swelling to go down. To minimize the risks of leg blood clots, patients should walk 10-15 minutes every 1-2 hours while awake, and wear compression stockings for 23 hours/day the first week after surgery. Wear dark-colored baggy clothing that opens in the front on your day of surgery because when you go home, there will be drainage from the incision holes until they close after 24-48 hours. Also, plan on sleeping on covers to protect your bed sheets (shower curtain, dog pads, towels, etc) to avoid drainage onto your bedding. You may shower on postop day 1, and the incisions may get wet.

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Compression Garments and Lymphatic Massage

As part of your recovery package, you will be provided with compression garments that will be placed on during surgery and will need to be worn for 23 hours/day for 1 month, followed by 12 hours/day for 2 months, then as needed for 3 months. You will be instructed on proper lymphatic massage techniques, which should be performed daily for 15-30 minutes for 1 month. This will help decrease the swelling and smooth out any potential lumps or bumps. Your surgeon will explain the types of garments you need based on the location of your liposuction, as well as how long you’ll need to wear them. 

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You will be prescribed pain medication, antibiotics, and nausea medication. Take your pain medications with food to avoid nausea. Pain medications may cause constipation, so we recommend taking laxatives around the time of surgery. You will be given Arnica pills and ointment to reduce bruising. You will start taking the pills 2 days before surgery and continue until the tabs are completed after surgery. Avoid medications that cause bleeding around the time of surgery, including Aspirin, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Alleve, Herbal Supplements, and alcohol. You will be asked to quit smoking 2 weeks before and after surgery to improve healing.

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Weight Changes

Liposuction is not a weight loss surgery but rather a form of body contouring. You will swell up immediately after surgery and look worse and weigh more before you begin to look better and weigh less. It will take 3-6 months until all of the swellings is gone and you are down to your new weight. While liposuction permanently removes fat cells, your body has other fat cells located in different parts of your body that can still grow in size. In addition, there is a deep abdominal compartment containing visceral fat which has pre-existing fat cells that may grow in size if you gain weight. This can remove any gains noticed from liposuction, which permanently removes fat from the skin only. If you gain too much weight after liposuction the visceral fat can grow to a point that you may actually look worse than before you had the procedure. Liposuction does not remove fat from the visceral fat compartment. The visceral fat is only treated by diet and exercise. Therefore, to avoid the overgrowth of visceral fat, or the growth of fat in untreated areas, maintaining a healthy lifestyle through diet and exercise will help you keep the best results possible from your procedure.

The Cost of Liposuction in Novi, Michigan

Many factors affect the cost of liposuction in Michigan, including the scope of your procedure, the patient body mass index (BMI), number of areas treated, and treatment location.

Having your procedure done at our surgery center is more affordable than at a hospital where we cannot control expenses related to anesthesia and facility fees. We try to combine as many areas as possible during a liposuction session, but may need to stage your procedure on a separate visit if it looks like you may go over the 5 liters of fat removal limit or go over the maximum weight-based dose of numbing medicine.

Liposuction is not covered by health insurance because it is considered an elective cosmetic procedure. While price is an important factor in selecting your plastic surgeon, there are other factors that should be taken into consideration as well. We believe that Illuum Cosmetic Surgery offers the perfect mix of safety, quality, experience, reputation, service, and price to provide you with the best value for transforming your body!

We have an instant price estimator available 24/7 on our website, and please contact us for a consultation to obtain an accurate quote and discuss the several choices for payment options we offer.

The Cost of Liposuction in Novi, Michigan

Many factors affect the cost of liposuction in Novi, Michigan, including the scope of your procedure, the amount of anesthesia used, and even the location where the surgery takes place. Health insurance does not usually cover liposuction, either.

That doesn’t mean you’re without options. For instance, our office provides payment options, including affordable financing, to help you get the surgery you need to transform your body.

You’ll want to make cost a factor when choosing your surgeon, as well. Other factors to consider include the surgeon’s history, reputation, results with other patients, and more.

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Who Is a Good Candidate for Liposuction?

To be a good candidate for liposuction, you should:

Procedures Combined with Liposuction

The following are examples of how our liposuction procedures can be combined with other procedures:

Combination of Multiple Liposuction Procedures

Liposuction of various anatomical areas can be performed. Recommendations for combining specific anatomical areas are discussed at your consultation and tailored to your individual needs for optimum results.

Breast Procedures

Completely transform your upper and lower torso by combining a breast procedure with abdominal and waist liposuction. Breast procedures commonly performed include breast augmentation, breast augmentation with lift, breast reduction, breast reduction with implant, breast lift, and fat transfer to the breast.

Tummy Tuck

Our tummy tuck combined with liposuction of the abdomen and waistline will produce a flat abdomen with an improved contour, natural belly button, and hidden incisions.

Mommy Makeovers

Our mommy makeovers combined with liposuction enhance your body to produce the best version of yourself. Tummy tucks, breast procedures, Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), and vaginal rejuvenation procedures are routinely combined with liposuction procedures.

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) procedure is combined with liposuction to remove stubborn fat from your target areas (such as your abdomen, waist, back, chest and/or thighs) while safely transferring fat subcutaneously to your gluteal and/or hip areas. This will result in an improved waist-to-hip ratio and create a more feminine or masculine physique.


Our gynecomastia excision of male chest enlargement tissue combined with chest liposuction enhances your chest beyond what a standard gynecomastia result can achieve alone.
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Magic Behind Our Liposuction

Taking lessons from our signature Silhouetch℠ high definition liposuction procedures, we have a unique way of analyzing and treating your body’s problem areas with the intent to surpass your expectations. Imagine walking through a park with an experienced mountain climber who has summitted Mt. Everest. Similarly, with our in-depth experience of having artistically sculpted thousands of happy patients, we have the fortunate ability to partner with you to make recommendations for the best results possible. We passionately treat every patient as if they were a VIP member of our family. It starts with listening to your goals followed by conducting a thorough physical exam, then designing a customized plan to achieve the goals. During your procedure, we are perfectionistic, artistic, pay meticulous attention to the details, and will safely remove all of your stubborn fat in your problem areas through stealth incisions to deliver the best results possible.

Benefits of Liposuction

Liposuction offers hope for those struggling to eliminate stubborn fat deposits almost anywhere on the body. It allows you to contour your body and create the toned, slim physique you want. Both men and women find that it boosts their self-confidence and self-esteem, allowing them to improve their quality of life and health.

By artistically eliminating stubborn fat deposits, liposuction sculpts and improves the contours of your body.

Liposuction helps you improve your self-confidence and self-esteem by removing the excess stubborn fat because when you look good, you feel good!

When diet and exercise alone cannot help you reshape your body, liposuction could be a good solution. We’ve worked with many patients to help them achieve their body contouring goals, and we can do the same for you!

How to Prepare for Your Liposuction Procedure

First, you’ll speak with the surgeon, who will review your medical history and discuss your goals. If you are over 40 years of age, or younger than 40 with a history of diabetes or anemia, you will have blood tests conducted to make sure you are cleared to proceed with your procedure.
Next, you’ll discuss anesthesia options because at Illuum Cosmetic Surgery we offer liposuction through both awake and asleep methods. You will be prescribed pain medication to take after the procedure to help alleviate any discomfort.
At your preop appointment we will discuss your postop care regimen and will go over what specific supplies you’ll need. We will provide you with compression garments, compression stockings, and Arnicare ointment and tabs for bruising. We will take your preop photographs and you will sign consents. You will have medications prescribed to your local pharmacy to pickup before surgery.
Finally, you’ll receive post-op instructions with details on how to care for your incisions, how to do lymphatic massage, how long to wear your compression garments, when you can be active again, what numbers to call for questions, and when to come back for follow-up appointments.

Frequently Asked Questions

BMI is the height weight ratio which determines if you are underweight <18.5, normal weight 18.5-24.9, overweight 25-29.9, obese 30-39.9, or morbidly obese >40.  The average BMI of our liposuction patients is 29. However, to be a candidate for liposuction, you should have a BMIs that is under 42, and ideally your weight should be at or near your ideal body weight (within 30%).

Liposuction permanently removes fat cells, but your body can generate new ones. If you want to keep your liposuction results as long as possible, you’ll need to take some specific steps. First, commit to maintaining a healthy body weight and understand what your ideal weight should be. Stay in good health supported by the right diet and good exercise habits, as well. 

You’ll find many different options when it comes to liposuction! That includes traditional liposuction, as well as tumescent liposuction, which uses tumescent injections to improve the results. Power-assisted liposuction, suction-assisted liposuction, laser-assisted liposuction, ultrasound-assisted liposuction, and Vaser liposuction are also popular options. Not sure which is right for you? Contact us to schedule a consultation and we’ll discuss your body contouring goals and help you decide which of the many liposuction options is best suited to helping you achieve them.

Yes, liposuction is performed as an outpatient procedure in our surgical center. Depending on the scope of your procedure, it may take as little as one hour or as long as four hours. It may be performed either awake under local anesthesia or asleep under general anesthesia. Either way, you will need to have someone drive you home afterward.

We can remove up to 5 liters of fat in the state of Michigan during each liposuction session. This is more than in some other states where you can only have 4 liters of fat removed per state regulations. Five liters of fat is equivalent to 11 pounds. If we remove skin as well during the procedure with a mini tummy tuck, you may lose even more weight.

Yes, you can have liposuction in the same area of the body multiple times to help you achieve the look you want. However, the goal of these plastic surgery procedures is to prevent you from having another surgery. Usually, the excess fat is removed from one area and should not return if you are following a healthy diet and exercise. It would be best to wait at least six months between treatments if needed.

Patients should expect some moderate discomfort, bruising, and swelling for a few days after the procedure. After abdominal liposuction it may feel like you did a crunches workout. Pain medications prescribed should help alleviate the discomfort after your procedure. You may still experience some mild pain up to 2-4 weeks postop. By 1 month postop you should not have pain and can resume all activities including heavy lifting and strenuous exercises. We will be in contact with you throughout your recovery to address any of your pain concerns.

Please make sure you are massaged by yourself, friends, family, or professionals daily for about 30 minutes during the first month after surgery. Most patients get their massages done at home by themselves, friends, or family.  However, if you choose to get a professional lymphatic massage, please seek out a licensed massage therapist in your area for approximately 3 half-hour massages weekly for 4 weeks. These can be cost prohibitive, and do not expect everyone to get them done professionally. As such, most patients end up doing lymphatic massages at home. We can instruct you on the basics of how to perform the lymphatic massage. Gentle motions towards your lymph nodes in the groin or axilla are all that are necessary to mobilize the fluid into your system. Your body will end up peeing out the excess fluid. The massages do not need to be done all day. They can last about 30 minutes a day. We recommend performing three ten-minute massages or one 30-minute massage daily over all of the areas treated.  Most patients do their massage during the 1 hour time that their compression garment is off during the day, either during or after their time in the shower. Massage devices and rolling devices are fine as long as the massage is gently performed.

Abdominal liposuction procedures look the most natural when patients have no skin laxity. Depending on the amount of skin laxity, we may recommend you undergo either a mini or a full tummy tuck. The timing of your skin excision procedure and whether we can combine it at the same time as your abdominal liposuction procedure will depend on the amount of liposuction you are requesting and whether you are planning a full or mini tummy tuck. Patients undergoing a mini tummy tuck can combine abdominal liposuction at the same time. However, we recommend doing a full tummy tuck 3-6 months prior to the abdominal liposuction procedure because elevating the skin flap of a full tummy tuck because would temporarily disrupt the blood supply for healing the incision.

Please wait 1 month to resume strenuous activities and heavy lifting. You can walk 10 minutes/hour for the first month, but please do not walk 1 mile or longer at a time and please do not walk on the treadmill. Any cardio activity or light exercises even if not in the area where we operated should be avoided. Raising your heart rate and blood pressure as a result of working out can lead to swelling. Swelling can lead to unfavorable results because it prevents your skin from retracting to its new position. The skin needs to retract to its new position otherwise it will remain loose, spongy, and puffy and give the appearance that we did not do any liposuction. When you return to working out, please resume your activities gradually to avoid any sudden development of swelling. If you notice any extra swelling after resumption of activities, please dial back the intensity or frequency of your workouts. Weight training builds muscle, and cardio helps lose weight. The best type of exercises are cardio workouts to help burn calories such as running, fast walking, swimming, biking, and elliptical. Weight training and sit-ups will help build your muscles to accentuate the high definition liposuction results. A combination of both cardio and weight training will lead to maintenance of a thin figure while at the same time building muscle under and around the areas where we did the liposuction.

Liposuction completely and permanently removed fat through an awake or asleep minimally invasive procedure in a single session. In comparison, Coolsculpting is an awake non-invasive treatment to freeze the fat which is absorbed over time leading to less than 30% improvement in select patients after multiple treatments.

Liposuction is charged based on your body mass index (BMI), number of areas treated, and location of treatment. Having your procedure done at our surgery center is more affordable than at a hospital where we cannot control expenses related to anesthesia and facility fees. We try to combine as many areas as possible during a liposuction session, but may need to stage your procedure on a separate visit if it looks like you may go over the 5 liters of fat removal limit or go over the maximum weight-based dose of numbing medicine. Please contact us for a consultation to discuss the several choices for payment we offer. Liposuction is not covered by health insurance because it is considered an elective cosmetic procedure.

Yes, liposuction is considered to be a minimally invasive safe procedure. The safety of the procedure is also dependent on your overall health so please be transparent with your surgeon when discussing your past medical history. Furthermore, having surgery with a board-certified plastic surgeon experienced with liposuction will increase the likelihood that the procedure will be done safely. We have experience having performed thousands of liposuction procedures safely so you are in good hands.

The optimum candidates for a liposuction procedure are patients who are in good overall health, are at or close to their ideal body weight, and have areas of stubborn fat that are resistant to diet and exercise. Liposuction is a body contouring procedure and not intended to be a weight loss procedure. Generally speaking, most healthy patients are candidates for liposuction. The only patients who are not candidates are the following: body mass index (BMI) greater than 42, want weight loss surgery, pregnant or nursing, uncontrolled diabetes, uncontrolled high blood pressure, severe heart disease such as a heart attack in the past 5 years, being treated for cancer, kidney or liver disease, taking blood thinners that cannot be stopped, on dialysis, severe lung disorders requiring supplemental oxygen, or on an organ transplant list.

Liposuction has been performed on patients into their early 70s!  The average age of our liposuction patients is 44 years old. What is most important is the canvas we are working on, including skin quality and BMI. If you have looseness to your skin then we may recommend a skin tightening procedure such as a mini tummy tuck or a full tummy tuck. However, if your BMI is close to ideal and you have good skin quality then age is just a number!

All surgical procedures carry some risk. Liposuction’s primary risks and complications include blood loss and bruising, infection, and poor healing, as well as anesthesia-related risks. Finally, it’s possible to have asymmetry and skin irregularities after the procedure, but choosing the right surgeon can mitigate that.

Fat will not come back where it is permanently removed. You have a set number of fat cells from birth and they do not move from one area of the body to another. The fat cells and grow or shrink in size if you gain weight throughout your life. When we perform liposuction, we are permanently removing fat from the areas treated. The fat will not come back to those areas. However, fat can grow in areas that were not treated, including the visceral fat. Visceral fat is deep belly fat surrounding your organs beneath your abdominal wall. We cannot liposuction in that space. If the visceral fat grows after liposuction, it can make it look like no liposuction was done. If you gain weight postop, it may cause your visceral fat to grow and we cannot treat that area with liposuction. So please maintain your post-liposuction weight through a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise for optimum results!

Yes, you can. We regularly work with clients to target multiple areas and create a customized liposuction strategy that enables them to achieve their body contouring goals.

The incisions used are stealth incisions which are hidden away from typical view of others. Great care is taken to keep the incisions out of site and as small as possible to allow the tiny liposuction cannulas to pass through under the skin to remove the fat. This is the critical component of these procedures being deemed minimally invasive. The incisions are usually only a few millimeters in size which is roughly the size of a pen dot. After they are healed in 1-2 weeks you can begin scar massage on them and use scar creams such as vitamin E, cocoa butter, Mederma, silicone tape, etc. Please use sunscreen over the incisions for up to 1 year to help avoid sun damage which can leave the scars reddened. Ultimately, they end up being barely perceptible in most patients. No sutures are used to close these tiny incisions which allows fluid to drain during the first few days and prevents any possible suture reaction and additional scarring.

We are proud to offer liposuction either asleep or awake!  Recovery and downtime is the same for either procedure. We are experts at both methods and can make you comfortable during your procedure either way. A board-certified anesthesiologist will administer general anesthesia if you would like to have your procedure done asleep. Based on our medical screening, if you are a healthy candidate for general anesthesia you are more than welcome to choose that method of anesthesia as your option. We can administer local anesthesia as an alternative if you would prefer to have your procedure done awake. With the awake technique, there are moments at the beginning where you might feel some pinches and burns as the numbing medicine is administered, though we can give you some medications beforehand to help you relax during that quick process of numbing. During awake liposuction you will feel pressure, movement, and vibration, but should not experience pain. If needed, we can administer additional local anesthesia to help you feel comfortable throughout the process. 

Everyone heals differently, and has a variable amount of swelling so you may need compression for up to 3-6 months. In general, we recommend compression garments be used for 23 hours/day for 1 month, 12 hours/day for 2 months, and as needed for another 3 months. Please make sure that the garment fits snugly and gently. After surgery, you will have more swelling during the first few days and your compression garment may need to be loosened similar to loosening a belt after over-eating. You may have some temporary numbness and not realize how tight the compression garment is so please use your hands to check how tight the garment is. If you cannot fit your hand under the garment please loosen the garment. We do not need the garment to be on so tight like a waist trainer that you cannot breath. The risk of the garment being too tight is that it can cause skin irritation, blisters, scarring, and permanent indentations. If you are using a foam board underneath your garment, please make that that it is not too tight as well. If it is too tight, you can cause indents from the board as well. Compression can be helpful, but it can also be hurtful if not used properly. Similar to the children’s story Goldilocks eating her porridge at the ideal temperature (not too cold, not too hot, but just right), it is important to make sure that the compression garment you are wearing fits just right.

Initially after surgery, please resume your diet with light food then advance as tolerated.  Please make sure you eat something when taking you pain medications which can cause nausea on an empty stomach. After surgery please a eat high protein diet which provides the building blocks for wound healing and fast recovery. Please avoid sugary and fattening foods. Also, please avoid spicy or salty foods after surgery because they can contribute to water retention and swelling. Please do not go on a starvation diet after surgery because your body needs good nutrition to heal properly. Please maintain overall a healthy diet.

You can return to work after 3 days depending on how active you are at your job. If you have a skin excision procedure in addition to liposuction, then you should take 1 week off from work.

The swelling will be worse before it gets better and may take up to 1 month until you start to see your final results, and 3-6 months to see your final results. Bruising generally goes away after a few days but taking Arnica pills starting 2 days preop and for about a week postop may help. Arnica ointment applied to the bruised skin may help as well. There will be drainage from the incisions initially after surgery but as the liposuction incisions holes close over a few days the drainage will stop. You can shower 24 hours after surgery and gently massage fluid out of your incisions to help drain any excess swelling. After your incisions heal you should continue doing massage 30 minutes per day for one month. Professional massages may help if you would like to have them. You can go in the pool or beach either after 2 weeks or after your incisions have fully healed.

After liposuction, patients should refrain from sexual activities for 1 week after surgery or until you feel up to it.

Liposuction when done asleep under general anesthesia does not hurt during the procedure because you are completely asleep. If you have liposuction done awake under local anesthesia, you may feel some pain during the numbing portion, but we will make you feel as comfortable as possible and will explain all parts of the process beforehand.

The length of time a liposuction procedure takes depends on the patient’s body mass index (BMI) and the number of areas treated. The procedure can take anywhere from 1 to 4 hours.  If we are treating someone with a lower BMI in just one or two areas then the procedure may take 1 hour. Full body treatment in a higher BMI patient may take as long as 4 hours. These are outpatient procedures so you will be going home at the end of procedure.

Based on guidelines from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) as well as our AAAA surgery center accreditation body, we may remove up to 5 liters of aspirate (including fat) during a liposuction procedure at our outpatient surgery center facility.

We can remove up to 5 liters of aspirate (including fat) during a liposuction procedure. This amounts to up to 12 pounds of fat! Liposuction is not weight loss surgery, but rather intended for body contouring.

Schedule a Consultation

Whether you’re seeking the expert guidance of Dr. Lakin or Dr. Ozolins, or have a clear idea of your needs, scheduling a consultation is the obvious and easy next step. Meet and sit down with one of Michigan’s premier plastic surgeons and start your journey into illuminating the best version of yourself.

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Katie Wells BSN, RN

Nurse Injector

She received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Michigan State University and worked as an operating room nurse at Michigan Medicine for 2 years before transitioning to aesthetics. She
received her certification as a Nurse Injector, and attended further training and certification through Allergan Medical Institute. She absolutely loves being a Nurse Injector and is very passionate about
combining medicine and the creativity and artistry of aesthetics in her practice. It is extremely important to her to remain educated and up to date with the newest and best treatments and injection techniques. Her goal as an Injector is that when you sit in her chair that you feel comfortable, fully educated on your procedure, and confident and happy in your results when we are done. She loves forming connections with her patients and feels truly honored to be a part of your journey to becoming your most confident self, inside and out! She is a great listener and looks forward to creating an individualized plan to meet each of her patient’s unique goals and desires. Some of her favorite treatments include lip filler, Botox, and midface/cheek filler (but there is so much more!). When she is not injecting, you can find her trying new recipes, spending time with family, working out, gardening, or taking a long walk with her dog.

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Heidi Winkler BSN, RN

Director of Nursing & Surgical Services Leadership

Heidi’s goal is to ensure every patient has a positive experience and is satisfied with the high quality of service provided by our clinical staff. Her passion as a caregiver is to impact each person’s life in a positive way.

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Tonya Gilbert BSN, RN

PACU Nurse

Tonya has been a registered nurse for 15 years. She earned her BSN at the University of Michigan. Go Blue!

She started her career as a trauma RN in Detroit. She has been working as a recovery RN for the past 8 years. She loves being part of a team that makes a difference in people’s lives. 

Her passions include lounging with her fur babies, family, and friends, traveling, crunching, and recycling. 

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